कबीर कोठे मंडप हेतु करि काहे मरहु सवारि ॥
Kabīr koṯẖe mandap heṯ kar kāhe marahu savār.
Kabeer, why kill yourself for your love of decorations of your home and
कारजु साढे तीनि हथ घनी त पउने चारि ॥२१८॥
Kāraj sādẖe ṯīn hath gẖanī ṯa pa▫une cẖār. ||218||
In the end, only six feet, or a little more, shall be your lot. ||218||
कबीर जो मै चितवउ ना करै किआ मेरे चितवे होइ ॥
Kabīr jo mai cẖiṯva▫o nā karai ki▫ā mere cẖiṯve ho▫e.
Kabeer, whatever I wish for does not happen. What can I accomplish by merely
अपना चितविआ हरि करै जो मेरे चिति न होइ ॥२१९॥
Apnā cẖiṯvi▫ā har karai jo mere cẖiṯ na ho▫e. ||219||
The Lord does whatever He wishes; it is not up to me at all. ||219||
चिंता भि आपि कराइसी अचिंतु भि आपे देइ ॥
Cẖinṯā bẖė āp karā▫isī acẖinṯ bẖė āpe ḏe▫e.
God Himself makes the mortals anxious, and He Himself takes the anxiety
नानक सो सालाहीऐ जि सभना सार करेइ ॥२२०॥
Nānak so salāhī▫ai jė sabẖnā sār kare▫i. ||220||
O Nanak, praise the One, who takes care of all. ||220||
from sggs 1376
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