Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Rare Aishwarya Pics...


Airplane Oops! Situations

Better on the ground than in the air

Short of the actual crash, most of the accidents depicted here occurred without loss of human life, and thus can be described as "Oops". There is a site "Aviation Safety" where many troublesome situations are listed and discussed, with full background information for each. What you will see here is a collection of images from various such occasions, sent to us by readers who found them or even witnessed the events.

On the Ground

The hazards start while the plane is still on the runway. Most of the time they are results of the "reckless driving" of the taxiing & service vehicles.




The accident above happened fairly recently - winter 2005 or 2006. The plane slid off the runway in the snow. A six year-old passenger in one of the cars on the street was killed.




The story for the accident below goes: "The mechanics failed to have someone riding brakes in the plane, failed to bring chokes and failed to set parking brakes on both aircraft AND the tug... and then they left aircraft unattended" -



Michael Lashley, as an aircraft safety inspector, have seen multiple occasions when aircraft was endangered by the careless driving of mechanics. The example below is credited to "Mechanics driving with no Hyd pressure for brakes" -





Plane chopped by the propeller of another plane:



The story on this rampage is playing out to the tune of a quarter of a million dollars - these are the damages for 4 destroyed planes. The poor guy who's responsible for this started the engine of his private Piper Saratoga plane - and then lost control, slicing through four other planes and crashing into the fifth...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Effort and intelligence come from God

 कबीर कोठे मंडप हेतु करि काहे मरहु सवारि ॥ 
Kabīr koṯẖe mandap heṯ kar kāhe marahu savār. 
Kabeer, why kill yourself for your love of decorations of your home and 

कारजु साढे तीनि हथ घनी त पउने चारि ॥२१८॥ 
Kāraj sādẖe ṯīn hath gẖanī ṯa pa▫une cẖār. ||218|| 
In the end, only six feet, or a little more, shall be your lot. ||218|| 

कबीर जो मै चितवउ ना करै किआ मेरे चितवे होइ ॥ 
Kabīr jo mai cẖiṯva▫o nā karai ki▫ā mere cẖiṯve ho▫e. 
Kabeer, whatever I wish for does not happen. What can I accomplish by merely 

अपना चितविआ हरि करै जो मेरे चिति न होइ ॥२१९॥ 
Apnā cẖiṯvi▫ā har karai jo mere cẖiṯ na ho▫e. ||219|| 
The Lord does whatever He wishes; it is not up to me at all. ||219|| 


चिंता भि आपि कराइसी अचिंतु भि आपे देइ ॥ 
Cẖinṯā bẖė āp karā▫isī acẖinṯ bẖė āpe ḏe▫e. 
God Himself makes the mortals anxious, and He Himself takes the anxiety 

नानक सो सालाहीऐ जि सभना सार करेइ ॥२२०॥ 
Nānak so salāhī▫ai jė sabẖnā sār kare▫i. ||220|| 
O Nanak, praise the One, who takes care of all. ||220|| 

from sggs 1376 

Friday, October 3, 2008

57% men, 64% women in Asia Pacific not satisfied with sex: Survey

As much as 57% of men and 64% of women in the Asia Pacific region are not very satisfied with their sex lives, reveals an Asia Pacific survey conducted in India and 12 other countries. 

The AP SHOW survey reveals that in India discussion about sexual experience is still a major concern among couples. Sex ranks seventh out of the seventeen life priorities for men, while for women it ranks near the bottom at fourteen. 

Family life is clearly the most important aspect of life for both men and women. Other life priorities include being a spouse, work or career, being a parent, financial well-being and physical health. The same life priorities appear on the top of women’s list. 

The survey reveals that sexual satisfaction is strongly associated with satisfaction in overall physical health, and love and romance. 

The key findings of the survey are: 

· As much as 57% of men and 64% of women in the Asia Pacific region are not very satisfied with their sex lives 

· Greater satisfaction with sex is strongly associated with greater satisfaction with life overall 

· For men and women, greater satisfaction with erection hardness is linked to greater satisfaction with sex 

· Satisfaction with erection hardness is associated with satisfaction with sex, love & romance, family life, and role as spouse/partner – for men and women 

· Men with suboptimal erections have sex less often, are less satisfied with sex and other aspects of the sexual experience, and are less positive about life overall 

Addressing the situation in India, Dr Rupin Shah (andrologist, Lilavati Hospital), said, “In India, the survey showed that adults who are less than satisfied with sex are less likely to be satisfied with life overall.” 

“There is also a clear link between satisfaction with erection hardness and satisfaction with sex for people in India. I ask our physicians to reach out to their patients and help them realize that sexual health is as important as any other aspect of their overall health and wellness. Taboos about the subject should be set aside to ensure the health needs of men and women in the Asia Pacific are well met,” he said. 

The AP SHOW survey confirms the importance of sexual health to overall wellness in life. The survey also reveals that sexual dissatisfaction is high among men and women,” said Dr Rosie King, sexual health physician, Sydney Centre for Sexual and Relationship Therapy, Sydney, Australia. 

The survey, conducted among 3,957 sexually-active men and women (2,016 males and 1,941 females) from the general public aged between 25 and 74 years, was designed to gather information on attitudes towards sexual health in Asia Pacific, a region characterized by diverse cultural beliefs and practices.